Burst White

Packaging &
Production Services

KANDU’s packaging and production services allow companies to maximize profits by outsourcing time-consuming and tedious processes to our experienced workforce. Our nimble, responsible and enthusiastic team will not only flex to your specific needs, but also to your timeline. You can turn to us for year-round projects or during seasonal peaks to avoid the stress of hiring and training temporary workers.

Smiling Packaging and Production Worker Cropped

For more information, or to inquire about our Packaging & Production Services, call

(608) 755-4123


With diverse capabilities ranging from packaging and labeling to storage and shipping, KANDU is relied upon by both independently owned local businesses and Fortune 100 companies. Our USDA approved manufacturing facility and large warehouses accommodate jobs of any size and our staff can manage your inventory, procurement, packaging and shipping while you focus on the core capabilities of your business.


KANDU promises our customers efficient processes, a well-trained workforce and competitive prices. And when you partner with KANDU for packaging and production solutions, you will not only save time and money but also contribute to providing onsite training, vocational services, and long term employment to adults with developmental disabilities.

Find out how you can support inclusion and social responsibility while saving time and money.

Smiling and waving
Woman sealing packages
Working together


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We love Nature At The Confluence! Julie taught Livin’ & Learnin’ clients about the seasonal life of animals, and we got to practice “gathering energy” in the fall to prepare for winter (which included eating snacks 😉), building a hibernation home for winter, and taking a “Spring ...Walk” to see all the animals and plants emerging for a new season. Clients even got a visit from a tiny snake on the walk! 🐍

Thank you to Nature At The Confluence for providing a fun, safe, and educational environment for our clients to explore their surroundings!

In preparation for our upcoming move, KANDU is hosting an online auction through Beloit Auction & Realty. This auction features hundreds of new and like-new items from the KANDU kitchen, catering business, and warehouse.
💥BID NOW: www.beloitauction.com/auctions/detail/bw119432
Items... include food, kitchen supplies, restaurant equipment, small wares, tools, furniture, and more! The auction closes on Tuesday, May 14 @ 7:07pm.

Client Services Director Julie is representing KANDU at the Senior Fair in Watertown today, hosted by the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Jefferson County, Wisconsin.

Thanks to our new location in Milton, KANDU can expand adult daycare services into Jefferson County. To learn more... about the specialized and compassionate memory care available for seniors at KANDU, you can visit our website: https://www.kanduindustries.com/programs-and-services/adult-day-memory-care/

Livin’ & Learnin’ clients helped create May Day packages at the Janesville Community Center, Inc. yesterday. The packages include JCC event information & a hummingbird feeder and flower seeds donated by ECHO, Inc.. Today Clover Family Services, LLC and the School District of Janesville,... WI are helping us deliver the May Day packages around the Fourth Ward Neighborhood. We're grateful to be part of such a supportive community where organizations come together to make initiatives like this possible. 🤝

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May Day

Buy Now Clients from the KANDU Industries “Living and Learning” program create May Day packages at the Janesville Community Center, 305 Lincoln...


KANDU is looking for volunteers to help us set up and tear down for Grapes & Hops 2024!
Interested in supporting KANDU's mission to fundraise for people with disabilities?
Check out the volunteer descriptions and sign up for a time slot here: ...https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904054CADA822A6F49-48454595-grapes#/