Job Training & Employment

Employee cleaning soda fountain at restaurant

For more information on our Job Training & Employment Program, call

(608) 755-4123


Whether they need extra help finding the perfect job or more hands-on assistance going through the employment process, KANDU is here to provide support and encouragement. Our Job Training and Employment Programs give participants the chance to find meaningful work, while earning an income, making friends, and growing and thriving in a safe and family-like work environment.


Watch our video to discover how KANDU Industries provides value to your business and our clients.


Since 2009, KANDU’s community employment program has paired our clients with meaningful employment at local businesses. By identifying and developing job opportunities in the community, our program managers help break down many of the barriers to employment that our clients have faced in the past and help them gain a sense of independence and reach their full potential.

The program helps with:

  • Employment preparation, including resume development, application assistance and interview techniques
  • Networking opportunities
  • Job placement
  • Job shadowing
  • One-on-one job training
Man smiling and wearing a DQ uniform

Once employed, clients receive regular support and feedback from staff to ensure their needs are being met and the employment opportunity is a good match. KANDU staff works with the client and employer to provide:

  • An INDIVIDUAL SERVICE PLAN (ISP) to determine goals based on the client’s strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences.
  • A SEMI-ANNUAL REVIEW with the client worker and staff to review their goals, share supporting data, discuss progress, and make changes as needed.
  • An ANNUAL REVIEW with client worker, staff, and full support team to gather information and insight from all parties to update the ISP, as needed.


You will feel good knowing that by using KANDU employment services, you are saving money on recruitment and training costs while empowering individuals who may not otherwise have a chance to find meaningful employment.

Not only will KANDU program managers assess your operations to match you with highly qualified employee labor, but they also provide pre-employment and on-the-job training, supervision, and ongoing support so businesses know they are achieving maximum efficiency.

For businesses looking to maximize efficiency and productivity while supporting individuals with physical or intellectual disabilities, contact KANDU today!

KANDU offers the following complimentary services:

  • No obligation trial work period
  • Ongoing support with job accommodations and restructuring
  • Opportunity for tax credits and incentives
  • Pre-screened applicants whose abilities and interests match job requirements
  • Professionally monitored employee work performance
  • Supervised on-site job training
Woman in staff uniform and smiling


Watch this video to learn more about the supervised and supportive environment KANDU provides to its clients.


For our clients who require more focused job support, KANDU’s Pre-Vocational Employment Program provides increased employment training, supervision, and encouragement.

Our staff work with pre-vocational clients on everything from behavioral skills to social integration into the work environment. Clients will feel cared for and supported as they build confidence in completing assigned tasks, work to improve job skills, and earn a paycheck in a safe and controlled work environment.

To qualify for the Pre-Vocational Program, clients must meet the following criteria:

  • Desire to learn new skills to increase employment opportunities
  • Willingness to work with a team to accomplish goals
  • Be at least 16 years of age
  • Use the restroom independently or with reminders
  • Complete a physical exam
  • Provide documentation of case closures from Wisconsin’s Department of Workforce Development Division of Vocational Rehabilitation if under the age of 24
  • Have a diagnosed disability or other barrier to employment
  • Hold an Individual Educational Plan (high school students only)
  • Be referred from an agency with a KANDU service contract or through a private payment agreement
  • Complete a background and information disclosure form
  • Provide reports from previous or current service providers and/or employers

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ISP clients took a trip down to Rockford to explore the Burpee Museum of Natural History. The Burpee Museum has an internationally known paleontology department featuring the most complete and best-preserved juvenile T. Rex ever discovered! Clients got to explore natural history exhibits with ...exciting interactive experiences like touching the fur of a polar bear and fox and identifying real fossils. 🦖

"Communication is important for everyone, especially ease of communication. For some, this ease is more difficult to achieve, even with the assistance of software designed to help users communicate. Standard AAC—augmentative and alternative communication—software is a tool that’s ...supposed to help people with communication disabilities, but it’s often unable to meet users where they’re at, causing frustration and slowing the process of something essential to humanity."
Learn about how Archer built an app for his non-speaking sister, Della:

Image for shared link
Creating a better way to connect

Archer Calder built an app to help his nonverbal sister, Della, communicate her way.

Summertime fun at KANDU! 🌞 Our Increased Support Program clients had a blast playing bean bag toss in the beautiful sunny weather. Activities like these provide an opportunity for clients to boost physical mobility and coordination skills while building social connections with peers in a safe, ...supervised outdoor setting. The competition was fierce, and the smiles were endless!

Happy Independence Day! KANDU clients know all about expressing independence as they each explore their limitless potential every day! 💙🤍❤️

KANDU is closed 7/4 in observance of Independence Day 🇺🇸